At Master Downer’s School of TaeKwon-Do, we ensure everyone to enjoys the sport in an environment where they are protected from harm.
All staff and volunteers are trained to deliver an environment that promotes safety and protection for all children under their care.
We are members of the International TaeKwon-Do Council. Their policies and approaches to safeguarding are supported by the club and can be found here.
Safeguarding Code
Master Downer's School of TaeKwon-Do has been awarded the safeguarding code in martial arts mark, recognising the commitment to protect all children and students from harm. Our policy can be downloaded via the ITC website or by clicking here:
If you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to speak to Master Downer, our Safeguarding and Welfare Officer. He can be emailed on
Remember if you need any help with any issue we are here to support you, please feel free to talk to us or contact Childline 0800 1111